New York City, March 2007: Day 1, March 7, 2007 (Business or Pleasure…take your pick)
Matthew decided to take me to the most typical of New York restaurants…T.G.I.Fridays at the corner of 8th Avenue and 33rd Streets, across from Madison Square Garden and Penn. Station. I wasn’t about to complain about eating at a chain restaurant, I was more concerned about spending quality time with my cousin. Plus, food is food. Two quesadillas, a dessert and $40 later, we were content with our meal and parted ways.
Before leaving a friend of mine told me not to wander around New York alone. I should pay more attention to the advice I’m given, but not this time. It was 7:30 p.m. when Matthew and I departed. I wanted to see a Broadway show while I was here. I researched times and prices for Spamalot playing at the Shubert Theatre. I didn’t have the exact address, but I remembered seeing it across the street from the St. James Theatre when I saw The Producers last year.
I marveled at the audacity of Times Square. No matter what time of the night, it was still as busy as daylight. Television screens, news banners, advertisements and music blared from every direction. So much for the media fast. I walked up 8th Avenue, past 42nd Street. I slowed down to peak around corners to look for the Shubert Theatre without getting run over by the crowds and looking like a lost tourist. I found the theatre on 45th Street and dashed to the box office with 15 minutes to spare.
I’ve never been the one for the best seats in the house and this time was no exception. I happily paid $36 for a balcony seat overlooking the stage. Even though I was able to see every machination of the backstage meant to be an illusion to the audience on the lower levels, I was still enthralled by seeing this Tony award-winning romp of a musical. Spamalot is based on Monty Python’s movie, The Quest for the Holy Grail, a cult classic for all lovers of British comedy. It started a little dry, but by the intermission I was laughing loudly and with little regard for the people next to me. The mere fact that the songs were rife with jabbing humor and a disregard to sensitivity had me hollering for more by the final curtain. I left satisfied, but starting to feel the unavoidable tiredness that comes with traveling for business.
I returned to my hotel, the Howard Johnson Midtown Manhattan (449 West 36th Street), to end this night in prayer and relaxation. By the way, at $99 per night in Midtown Manhattan, this hotel was a steal. It’s a little cramp, but with all I need is a king-sized bed, a hot shower and free internet and I’m golden.
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